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Oil Crash Dream

Tyrel Denver

This was a dream from the Lord to a watchman by the name of Nathan Leal. Please note the date this dream occurred, Oct. 13 2014. I remember when Nathan went on Hagmann and Hagmann shortly after this dream. I listened to it then and I still have the program in my archives. I remember calling my wife and telling her about this dream due to the fact that my career resides in the oil and gas industry. So don't doubt the validity of the date. I personally work in the oil and gas industry and this down turn has been; to say the least, Devastating. It has, as seen in his dream, fallen from the sky. Find the link to this dream HERE. I would suggest that Nathan saw the dream in reverse. Like looking into a mirror. Such is the case also, I believe, with what the Lord showed Pastor TD Hale. I would suggest when reading through his dream and interpretation that the begining is the end and the end is the begining. Here is a qoute from his interpretaion "Comment – watch the Oil Markets folks! This will be a SIGN that these things are upon us!" Also please keep in mind that all of us recall dreams with difficulty and he has done his best to recall what he saw and what he felt the Lord was trying to say. Please take heed to the warnings. I'm not sure how many more you will get. Glory to Jesus!


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