And this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. Romans 13:11-12
As I sit down on the last day of this year 2016 to write this newsletter, my heart is heavy. There is no reason for me to feel sad or down, and yet there is this foreboding in my spirit that I just cannot shake. I also noticed that this last day of 2016 happens to fall on a Sabbath. Maybe another prophetic sign among the many others revealing to us the times that we are presently living in.
Many did not believe that we would make it to the end of this year. Many dire prophecies that were given by many watchmen and prophets failed to materialize. The Almighty One was gracious and merciful to us. He heard our prayers from Heaven and saw many of His lambs plead in tears of repentance. The LORD is RIGHTEOUS and HOLY, but He is also LOVE and MERCY. This time around, Mercy triumphed over judgment.
James 2:13 "For he shall have judgment without mercy, that has showed no mercy; and mercy triumphs over judgment."
We should not get distracted with all the end of year celebrations and grow careless. We were spared much evil and suffering that would surely have taken place had the presidential elections turned out different. The upcoming days in America will not be as some people think it will be. There are powerful forces at work behind the scenes, to bring about an end to peace and thrust this nation and the world into tremendous chaotic times.
This uneasy feeling of peace that most people are feeling now, is just a mirage. There is much turmoil and distress that could be unleashed suddenly on this nation and the whole world. There are very dark days coming to America and the whole world on the horizon. There will be much suffering, especially for those who do not know Jesus Christ. Those of us who belong to Him will soon hear from Him on what to do.
The day of Provocation is coming. Time is almost here for the arrival of the son of darkness. This coming covering of great darkness upon the earth is almost here. It is almost complete. The Wrath of the Lamb will be kindled. Those of us who are ready, will soon see His Glory. Do not take your eyes off Jesus and the things that really matter. We must stay on our knees and in close communion with our Heavenly Father.
This new year will bring many surprises; some really good and some really bad. The elitists that control this nation's government are determined to do whatever it takes to stop Trump from getting into the White House. This whole thing with Russia could be a set up for a false flag designed to cause a state of emergency in this country due to allegations of Russian cyber attack on energy grids/satellites and usher in martial law.
If the people only knew that this whole world is teetering on the edge of chaos and destruction, they would run into the Secret Place of the Most High and hide in the shadow of the Almighty. The LORD will intervene and thwart Satan's plans if we pray and call out unto Him. However, understand that the end of all things is real close at hand.
As I wrap this newsletter up, I want to thank those of you who have been faithful to this ministry. I wish you and your family a Blessed and Prosperous New Year 2017. May the LORD of all the Earth keep you safe and fill you with His Supernatural Shalom.
-Augusto Perez