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Reading the Word of God and seeing it in action are two completely different things. The ability to do both isn't always easy when distracted by all the accommodations and comfort of life in a country abundantly blessed like The United States. My assignment to Ecuador opened the door to a new level in my walk with Jesus and I pray that my experience inspires you in some way. I'm Fior Hernandez, and this is TRUNEWS.
The Saturday before departing to Ecuador kicked off for me with the side effects of a restless night with little sleep. I quickly blamed the late night bedtime and common stress just before a flight. I know better than though because I'm no stranger to frequent travel, and was very excited to embark on this journey. The enemy wasn't happy about this assignment and well I wasn't placed on this earth to please him, quiet the opposite in fact. That night, I had to have the videographer drive back home because I was afflicted by a migraine headache accompanied with nausea and dizziness. But my healer Jesus showed up and as promised the sun did come up in the morning. This production team was going to Ecuador and nothing would stop this move of God.
After a deadly earthquake in 2016 left thousands without shelter and many children orphan, the Bless An Orphan Foundation headed to Ecuador on a mission to provide aid. The foundation had a presence in Ecuador for some time already, but this tragedy called for the deployment of more volunteers to the affected regions. The efforts by Bless An Orphan continue there today. On this mission we focused on the coastal city of Crucita part of the Province of Manabà 30 kilometers (19 miles) from the Pacific coast, the capital city is Portoviejo.
To take you through the impact of each day would be a small book so let's just focus on some powerful highlights.
On road to Crucita, Ecuador: The five hour drive to Crucita was on, and car sickness was not an option. The picturesque and sometimes bumpy ride told the story of the Ecuadorian culture without filter, it was real and raw. We laughed and worshiped our way through.
Ecuadorian Pastor's Life Invaded by Jesus: The arrival in Crucita proved to be no waste of time from the very start. Every minute counted on this mission to change lives. Pastor Santiago knows it firsthand.
An Illinois High School Group Is Changing Lives in Ecuador: Matthew 25 in action through the hands of student volunteers. Clothes, shoes, food, fun and much love!
God's Provision WILL Come: A woman bound to her bed and home for more than two decades receives an answer to prayers that had everyone in tears and all the students recording on their cell phones. Though it tarry , it will come!
Medical Clinic Day in Crucita: Many cannot make the trip to a hospital about 30 minutes away and the wait at times can be endless for one visit. Bless An Orphan provided a day of clinical examinations with two local physicians on board. All prescription costs were covered by the foundation.
Virus outbreak so in comes plan B: Bless An Orphan coordinators were not discouraged in their quest to provide a day of relieve to many children from nearby town of Las Peñas. The community was being tormented by an outbreak of the mosquito born virus Chincunguya and the team could not enter without exposing themselves to it. Plan B was a fiesta! (party).
Dwelling of God's Glory in unexpected place: A visit to an orphanage in the city of Manta, about 45 minutes from Crucita provided an opportunity to see the need in institutions as well. Though these children are loved by the caretakers, many of them have been abused in levels unimaginable to most of us and recovery is complex. This Christian orphanage was delighted to meet the Bless An Orphan team for a day of smiles and laughter.
A father abandons his family But The Father is always there
Part 1: A single mother of four is left alone in a room to call home and no steady income or way to sustain the kids. A local pastor and the Bless An Orphan team pay a visit which sets the foundation for a new beginning. Behold, I do a new thing says The Lord!
A father abandons his family But The Father is always there
Part 2: The building of the addition to a home is started and completed. The gratitude was palpable and it's sincerity visibly clear.
From years as a journalist in a world of "If it bleeds, it leads" headlines to a walk knowing that Jesus bled, died, resurrected and still leads me ... I'm Fior Hernandez and TRUNEWS is for such a time as this!