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A Declaration Of Faith For The Remnant Bride

Writer's picture: Tyrel DenverTyrel Denver

Pray Aloud:

Lord Jesus, our precious Savior, we come before You in prayer and intercession. We are in love with You, our Redeemer and Messiah. You are our King of Kings. You are our EVERYTHING! We honor You, we praise You, we glorify You! We serve You alone, forever. The unconditional favor of the Lord rests upon us abounding in every condition and circumstance. We are His beloved. He has plans and a hope for our future. We run the race with a victor’s crown and feet that are swift to reach the high calling God has placed upon our lives.

We put on the whole armor of God daily. We walk in high places in the power of the Holy Spirit who resides within and overflows. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Jesus within is beauty: the lovely, delicate fragrance of the Lord follows wherever we go. We are the Bride of Christ: pure, spotless, and blameless before Him by His shed blood. Our sins are forgiven, placed under His blood eternally. We are not affected by what we hear or view, we keep our eyes on the Lord. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, but not yet seen.

We walk in wholeness, having the inward, outward beauty of Christ and the blessing of the Father. We take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ Jesus, our Lord. Fiery arrows directed at our minds are quenched by the shield of faith. We do not entertain vain imaginations. We think glorious and lovely things. We hear the voice of the Lord. Our words are honorable, of good report, as they bring Life to those who hear. We are anointed to heal the broken hearted, to set the captives free. We will speak the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world until every ear has heard.

We are more than conquerors by our testimony and the blood of the Lamb. CHOSEN FOR THIS TIME, we are high ranking officers in the Lord’s army. Demons tremble and cannot remain in our presence as we intercede and travail before the throne of the Father. We are pure terror and dread to the enemy camp. The resurrection power of Christ resides within. We will do greater works than these because Jesus said we would, and we will! The love and light of Jesus flows from our hearts to all, regardless of nation, culture, color, or creed.

The Father is no respecter of persons. It is His desire for ALL to be saved. Spiritual Father, mentor, higher levels of wisdom, revelation, ministry connections and understanding come to us. We call forth divine appointments, open doors and God ordained encounters for the Kingdom. We are in the right place at the right time. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. We abide in Him, bearing fruit. We have a Joshua/ Caleb spirit to go forward, possessing the promised land as a son of God, a member of the remnant warriors and in His power and might. The heavenly gates open as we use the keys to the kingdom, entering through the veil into the mansion of His Holy Presence, the Throne Room of His Glory; all by the blood.

HOLY! HOLY! HOLY! Is our Lord God Almighty! We praise Him! We worship Him on our knees or prostrate before Him in Spirit and in truth. He is Glory! He is truth! He is righteousness! SHOW US YOUR GLORY! OH, LORD GOD! SHOW US YOUR GLORY! We long for Your presence! Alleluia! We claim God’s promises – they are Yea and Amen! We decree victory with Him in the final end time’s battle. We will fight the good fight. We will rule and reign with Him for all eternity! We seal this prayer today and declare it is our commitment to serve Him as faithful servants on earth until His glorious return in the clouds of heaven. ALL GLORY BE TO GOD! Amen and amen!


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